Everything You Need To Know About The American Dog Tick

In South Florida, American dog ticks pose a significant risk to both pets and humans. These ticks are particularly concerning because both adults and nymphs can transmit serious diseases, including Tularemia and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF). RMSF is a potentially life-threatening condition that can cause severe symptoms such as respiratory issues, vomiting, rash, fever, and abdominal pain.

Given these risks, it’s important for South Florida residents to be aware of the dangers posed by American dog ticks. In this post, we cover the risks associated with American dog ticks and provide practical tips on how to safeguard your pets and family from their potential threats.

What Are American Dog Ticks?

The American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) is a common tick species found throughout the United States, including South Florida. Known for being a prime carrier of various diseases, this tick primarily infests dogs but can also affect other mammals, including humans.

How to Identify American Dog Ticks

Size: American dog ticks are medium to large compared to other tick species. Adult females can reach up to 1/2 inch (13 mm) in length when fully engorged with blood. Males are slightly smaller but can still be quite noticeable.

Color: These ticks are typically reddish-brown with a distinctive white or grayish pattern on their back. This coloration helps in identifying them, especially when they are not yet engorged.

Shape: The American dog tick has a flat, oval-shaped body that becomes more rounded and engorged after feeding. It has eight legs and a noticeable head (capitulum) that can be seen protruding from the body.

Mobility: American dog ticks are adept at climbing onto hosts but are not strong fliers. They use a behavior known as “questing,” where they climb onto vegetation and wait with extended legs to grasp onto a passing host.

Active Hours: These ticks are most active during the warmer months, from early spring to late summer, though they can be present year-round in some areas. They are particularly active during periods of high humidity and warmth.                                                                                                                                                                                                            American dog ticks are often found in grassy and brushy areas, as well as in areas with tall vegetation. They are commonly encountered in outdoor environments but can also be found in indoor spaces if brought in by pets.

American Dog Tick Biology and Behavior

Life Cycle

  • Egg Stage: Female American dog ticks lay thousands of eggs in sheltered areas, such as grassy fields or along the edges of forests. Depending on environmental conditions, the eggs hatch within a few weeks.

  • Larval Stage: The tiny larvae, also known as seed ticks, require a blood meal to molt into nymphs. They are often found on low vegetation where they can easily latch onto a host.

  • Nymph Stage: Nymphs are larger than larvae and can feed on dogs, other mammals, or humans. They are capable of transmitting diseases and are often found in areas where they can find a host.

  • Adult Stage: Adult ticks actively seek out hosts to feed on. Females require a blood meal to lay eggs, while males feed less frequently. After feeding, females lay eggs, continuing the life cycle.



Feeding Habits—American dog ticks attach to a host and feed on blood for several hours to a couple of days. During feeding, they inject saliva containing anticoagulants to facilitate blood flow, which can also transmit pathogens.

Infestation Patterns—These ticks are commonly found in grassy and brushy areas. They are less likely to infest indoor environments compared to some other tick species but can be brought indoors on pets.

Disease Transmission

American dog ticks are known for carrying several diseases, including Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) and Tularemia. RMSF can cause severe health issues such as fever, rash, and abdominal pain. While these diseases are more common in certain regions, it is important to be aware of the risks in your area.

American Dog Tick Habitat

American dog ticks prefer outdoor environments with tall grass and brush where they can easily find hosts. They are particularly common in rural and suburban areas but can also be encountered in urban parks and green spaces.
Understanding the characteristics and behavior of American dog ticks is essential for effective prevention and control. By recognizing their distinctive features and knowing their preferred habitats, you can take proactive measures to protect your pets and family from tick-borne diseases.

Identifying The American Dog Tick

Physical Characteristics

  • Appearance: American Dog Ticks are larger than many other ticks, with adults typically about ¼ inch in size. They have a reddish-brown body with a white or grayish shield-like area on their back.

  • Life Stages: These ticks go through four life stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. The larvae and nymphs are much smaller and harder to spot compared to adults.

Signs of Infestation

  • In Pets—Dogs are the primary hosts for American Dog Ticks. Look for symptoms such as excessive scratching, biting at their fur, or the presence of ticks in their coat.

  • In the Home—Ticks may also be found in pet bedding, carpets, and upholstery. Look for ticks or tick debris (flea dirt) in these areas.

Preventing American Dog Ticks

Protect Your Pets

  • Use Tick Preventatives— Apply vet-recommended tick prevention products on your pets, such as topical treatments, oral medications, or tick collars.

  • Regular Grooming—Check and groom your pets regularly, using a flea comb to remove ticks from their fur.

Maintain Your Home

  • Frequent Cleaning: Vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstery regularly to remove any ticks or eggs that may be present. Wash your pet’s bedding in hot water to kill ticks and their eggs.

Outdoor Precautions

  • Yard Maintenance— Keep your lawn mowed and trim any overgrown vegetation. American Dog Ticks thrive in tall grass and brush, so reducing their habitat can help control their population.

  • Pet Outdoor Areas—Create a tick-free zone in your yard where your pets can play without exposure to ticks.


The American Dog Tick can pose a significant threat to both pets and homeowners in South Florida. By staying informed about tick identification, understanding the associated risks, and implementing effective prevention and control measures, you can protect your home and family from these pests. Regular maintenance and vigilance are key to ensuring a tick-free environment and maintaining your family’s health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions About American Dog Ticks In Florida

Yes, dog ticks are present in Florida, including the American dog tick and the brown dog tick. These ticks are commonly found in wooded and grassy areas and can also thrive inside homes or kennels​.

Ticks are indeed a concern in South Florida due to the state’s warm climate, which allows for a nearly year-round active tick season. Preventative measures, such as proper landscape maintenance and using tick repellents, are recommended to manage their population.

The most prevalent tick-borne diseases in Florida include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, and tularemia. These diseases are primarily transmitted by ticks such as the American dog tick and the lone star tick​

The American dog tick, scientifically known as Dermacentor variabilis, is known for its presence across the United States, including Florida. This tick is a significant carrier of pathogens like the bacteria causing Rocky Mountain spotted fever. 

Need Help Getting Rid of Unwanted Pests In Your Home?

Ready to send away pests without harming your pets? Getting started with Wise House Environmental Services is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Contact Us: Just give us a call today at 561-727-8239 or fill out our website form. We’ll discuss your specific pest problem and will tailor a service that is a perfect fit for your needs.
  2. Free Inspection: Our team will stop by your home and provide a no-obligation pest inspection of your home, we’ll also discuss the best pet-friendly methods to remove any unwanted guests.
  3. Treatment Time: Once a treatment plan has been agreed on, we’ll get to work deploying our biological controls and bait technology.

With Wise House Environmental Services, you get more than just effective pest control; you get peace of mind, knowing that your home is without pests and safer for your pets.

Our approach to pest control combines science with safety, offering you the kind of targeted, effective solutions that you won’t find with just any other pest control service. Our services have made a world of difference for homeowners, and we can do the same for you. Your pets will thank you for it! 

We serve Port St. Lucie,Lake WorthBoyton Beach, Palm Beachand the Treasure Coast.


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