5 Signs You May Have Rodents Living In Your Home

There are certainly many perks to living in South Florida. However, rodents are certainly a concern because of the tropical weather. If you hear a soft, constant scratching sound inside your home, that could be a signal of a rodent problem in your home. With South Florida’s pleasant climate, pests find living in South Florida just as appealing as we do.

Pests are a real worry for many homeowners. In this blog post, we discuss the five common signs of potential rodent problems. We’ll also help you to better understand how you can recognize signs of rodents, identify the risks, and take action to keep these pests far away from your home.

Sign #1: Unusual Noises

Notice a strange sound in the silence of your home? This could be an early sign that rodents may already be living in your home. A few key sounds to keep an ear out for are scratching, scurrying, and even gnawing. You could hear these in your attic, inside the walls, under your bed, or in dark corners of your home.

These sounds might remind you of something small brushing against surfaces or tiny feet scurrying around. Often, these noises become particularly noticeable during quiet nighttime hours when rats and mice are more active.

When you hear these sounds, it could be an indication that rodents are roaming around looking for food.

Sign #2: Visible Droppings

Seeing the unexpected sight of droppings in your home? This could be another sign of the presence of rodents in your home. Rodents like mice leave clear signs in the form of their droppings.

These droppings often resemble dark, tiny pellets. Smaller than what you’d expect from a household pet. You might find them in places near their food source, such as in kitchen cabinets and in dark corners where they usually stay. Make sure to address things right away as soon as you see droppings. Mice can multiply quickly, so it’s better to get rid of them as soon as possible.

The presence of rodents in your home can also be a health risk. Rodents carry various diseases. Their droppings and pee can be harmful to pets and humans.

Sign #3: Gnaw Marks and Damage

Rats and mice have strong and sharp teeth that can easily gnaw and chew objects like wires, cloth, and cardboard. Rodents can and will chew through these materials.

Look for signs like bite marks or scratched objects. Rodents are known for chewing on wires. If you have piles of papers, like books or notebooks, placed in areas like cabinets, try looking at them too. Gnaw marks on these papers are a clear sign that your home might already be infested by rodents.

Sign #4: Unusual Pet Behavior

Always pay attention to your pets’ behavior. Dogs and cats are both territorial, and they possess sharp senses that can detect rodents before you do.

If you see your pet spending too much time focused on a particular spot, sniffing, scratching, or showing a sudden interest in an area of your home, this could indicate they are tracking rodents.

If you see your pet suddenly running through the corners, as if they are chasing something, this could also be an indication of the presence of rodents. Seeing these behaviors should prompt you to inspect your home closely, especially in areas where your pets show unusual interest.

Sign #5: Nesting Evidence

The fifth sign is evidence of nesting. Rodents build nests for breeding and resting. You may see these rodent nests hidden within your home, such as under a bed or in cabinets.

You can spot these rodent nests if you see shredded materials like small pieces of paper. Rodents love to gnaw things and can shred objects like paper, cloth, or softwood into small pieces. If you’re finding unusual piles of shredded materials in your home, especially in dark corners, it’s possible that a rodent might have made it their bedding.

These nests could be tucked away in secluded corners of your house. They may be under furniture, inside walls, or in seldom-used drawers or cabinets. Rodents prefer these places since they offer warmth and protection from predators. These hidden spaces are safe for small types of rodents like mice.

How To Prevent Rodents From Infesting Your Home

Dealing with a rodent infestation in your home in South Florida requires proper intervention and control. To make sure that your home is free and safe from rodents, check out the following tips below:

  • Seal Entry Points: Rodents enter homes through small gaps and holes. Inspect your home’s exterior. Look for cracks or openings. Seal them up. This will help prevent rodents from gaining access to your home.
  • Properly Store Food: Rodents are attracted to food sources. It’s one of the reasons why they are in your home, aside from the shelter. Make sure to store food in sealed containers. Keep your kitchen and dining areas clean and free from food crumbs.
  • Clean Your Home Regularly: A clean home is less attractive to pests. Regular cleaning helps to eliminate potential nesting sites. Keep an eye on hidden areas like dark corners under the furniture and inside tight drawers and cabinets.
  • Clear the Clutter: Clutter provides hiding spots for rodents. Keep your home organized. Clear the clutter. This makes your house less appealing to these pests.
  • Get Professional Help: Getting professional pest control service is always your best choice if you want to get rid of rodents effectively. Pest control experts are well-equipped and are very knowledgeable on how to keep pests away for good.
  • Monitoring Your Surroundings: As soon as you finally get rid of rodents, it doesn’t mean they are not coming back. Regularly check for signs of rodents. Make sure to follow all the tips above to keep your home rodent free.


Addressing rodent issues promptly is very important if you want to keep your home free from rodents. Look for signs that rodents are present in your home. Follow the steps and tips discussed in this post to ensure your home remains rodent-free!

Getting professional help may also be your best option. A professional pest control service like Wise House Environmental Services is equipped to deal with rodents effectively and efficiently.

How To Get Started With Wise House Environmental Services

Ready to send away pests without harming your pets? Getting started with Wise House Environmental Services is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Contact Us: Just give us a call today at 561-727-8239 or fill out our website form. We’ll discuss your specific pest problem and will tailor a service that is a perfect fit for your needs.
  2. Free Inspection: Our team will stop by your home and provide a no-obligation pest inspection of your home, we’ll also discuss the best pet-friendly methods to remove any unwanted guests.
  3. Treatment Time: Once a treatment plan has been agreed on, we’ll get to work deploying our biological controls and bait technology.

With Wise House Environmental Services, you get more than just effective pest control; you get peace of mind, knowing that your home is without pests and safer for your pets.

Our approach to pest control combines science with safety, offering you the kind of targeted, effective solutions that you won’t find with just any other pest control service. Our services have made a world of difference for homeowners, and we can do the same for you. Your pets will thank you for it! 

We serve Port St. Lucie,Lake WorthBoyton Beach, Palm Beachand the Treasure Coast.

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